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  • Writer's pictureK.C. Auburn

Tsillah, Ofra, Aredhel, and Cirdan

The Elves of Mythera are inspired by Korean/Japanese culture. My older sister loved everything about these cultures and wanted very badly to visit Japan and South Korea but she didn't get the chance before she passed away so I tried to incorporate some similar themes in the elven culture of my books.

Tsillah (Sil-ah) is the Pontem Priestess or "the bridge". Her father was a half-elf warrior and her mother the previous full-blooded priestess. Her ears are not as long as her full-elf caretakers. Her hair color is a result of the Strigoi venom she inherited as a baby, making her stand out visually from the other elves of the White Wood and in Eara (Ee-yar-ah). Her skin is soft with warm honey undertones and pinks. Her mannerisms, hair color, and gray eyes are inspired by my older sister in her early adult years. Spiritually she radiates Bria's love and compassion.

Ofra (Ohf-rah) is the High Elder of the White Wood and leader of the Eara Council. He also oversees Tsillah's studies as she has been prophesized to be the greatest Priestess the elves will ever know. His hair is a silver-blonde and he has a strong slender face. His skin has very bright undertones of gold (so regal) and has brilliant amber/gold eyes, a symbol of his once royal bloodline. Now High Elders of Eara are apprenticed and chosen by the prior High Elder. Ofra is one of the oldest of his people, but no one knows how old he truly is. (It would be impolite to ask).

Aredhel (Ah-reh-del) is an Eara Council member and protegee of Ofra. She is the primary caretaker of Tsillah. Aredhel has tended and schooled Tsillah since she first came to the White Wood, teaching her much about elven traditions and culture. Aredhel has tanner honey-colored skin with freckles and vivid green eyes. She is said to be over 1200 years old. She is a fine healer and warrior that has fought through many wars but none of which changed her sunny nature.

Cirdan (Sear-den) is the second caretaker of Tsillah and a member of the Eara Council, second protegee to Ofra. Cirdan does not tend to Tsillah's well-being as frequently as Aredhel but more often checks to ensure her friend is doing alright with the young she-elf's care. Cirdan has light brown hair and eyes. Her skin is on the peachy-yellow side. She was once a leader in the elven army and has served her people in many ways. Cirdan is firm in her convictions but not resistant to new ideas or voices. She is not easily pushed around and holds a soft spot for the little red-haired elf that came back from the Red War. She is said to be around 14oo years old.

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