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  • Writer's pictureK.C. Auburn

Anwir and Murid

Anwir (On-weer) is the older of these two brothers. He is the half-brother to Murid as well as a half-elf which attributes to his more prominent profile, tanner skin, and shorter ears. He has dark brown hair and eyes. His father was a human and his mother an elf. Yet before he was born his father abandoned his mother for another. Thankfully, Anwir's mother was able to marry a prominent member of elven society and Anwir was raised in a house of nobility. His mother then bore a second child, the first to her husband, Murid. Anwir is strong-willed and intelligent, quickly earning himself a spot on the Eara Council despite their hesitance due to his bloodline. Many look to him to preserve the old ways and traditions of the Elven Realm as he holds fast to this identity, trying to scrub away his human half in anger towards his absent biological father.

Murid (Moor-id) is full-blooded with soft mousy brown hair and brown eyes. His ears are much longer than Anwir's and Anwir has always been silently jealous of them. Murid's skin is much paler than his brother's with rosy undertones. His face is slender and he has sharp eyes. He is soft in nature and follows Anwir's lead in most things. He is a doting younger brother. He admires Anwir's tenacity and ambitions in the face of the struggles that he endured as a bastard half-elf.

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