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  • Writer's pictureK.C. Auburn

Sneak peek at book 2 Cover design!!

Y'all I am screaming I'm so excited about the second cover for my book series. My incredibly talented cover artist, Thea M., just sent me the first draft of the work :D Some things still need to be added and tweaked but I'm obsessed with the design.

It's dark, brooding, moody in color, and mysterious (full of foreshadowing!!). The flocks of ravens are super amazing (if you know, you know.) I can't wait to show you the full thing but for now, I will show you my favorite part so far which is the Crescent Mountain Castle! (Inspired by my original artwork from many moons ago.)

The final version should be completed by the end of this month and then up next is submitting it to amazon publishing. Then after that is the art for the final book in the series! Thank you for coming on this journey with me and for your continued support! I hope Mythera Chronicles continues to grow and spread to more readers :)

Please check out my author website as that is where you can request events!

(enjoy this while thinking of me just squealing quietly into a pillow!)

Here is the old one. Just for your reference :3

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