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  • Writer's pictureK.C. Auburn

Eligor and Hersium

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Eligor (El-eh-gor) is inspired by Viking/Norse peoples. His father and mother both hailed from these ancestors and his skin tone reflects that. Eligor's mother died from sickness when he was young and so the only motherly nurturing he received was from his handmaids. Eligor could be a little terror so his female caretakers would frequently cycle in and out. The King was often too busy with his duties to discipline his son and it showed. Acier, Eligor's father, did not want to impose his son's care onto those who no longer wished to take the job. Yet there was one who was not so easily deterred by Eligor's harshness, Sabirah, or "of great patience".

Sabirah hailed from the far east, migrating from the nomad's desert. Among her people, she was considered lower royalty and this earned her access to the wealthy lord's homes as a trusted caretaker. Her warm dark skin held softness and to young Eligor, made her stand out above the rest of his prior handmaidens. She had lived and cared for children in the Iarann Kingdom for many years and came highly recommended by local lords. Acier welcomed her to try and soothe the budding prince's anger. Eligor and Sabirah began their time together when he was fifteen. He initially pulled out all the stops to chase Sabirah away but she held out from him. Acier would often try to intervene and discipline his heir but Sabirah insisted that she could handle the prince's temper. She would not bend to him and she would not leave.

Eligor came to realize that even after all that he put Sabirah through, she remained to care for him. She was firm but fair. She expected great things of him and would not allow him to misbehave during his studies. Eligor responded to her and over the years the pair grew in bond. His idea of his mother began to change to Sabirah's form. For a time, Eligor's fierce heart softened. Yet even Sabirah's love could not douse the darkness that brewed within him from the distance of his father. The desire for power.

Acier took notice to more than just the way that Sabirah cared for his only son. He saw her in secret for a time and the two wedded. By now, Acier was reaching the end of his life and Eligor had pushed him out for the throne. The young King grew tired of his father's rule, festering the sting of neglect he felt as a child from Acier being too busy with his duties. He believed he could expand the kingdom and grow his numbers versus Acier who did nothing but stay within their claimed borders.

Sabirah then bore a second son to King Acier in secret, Hersium (Hair-SEE-um). His skin was much darker than his older half-brother and a mix of east and west. Acier spent extra care with Hersium until his fifth year when the old King died under suspicious circumstances. Sabirah knew that the only way to keep Hersium safe was to present him to Eligor in hopes that he would continue to care for him. Her ties to the kingdom were severed with Acier's death and without Eligor's blessing, the two could be cast out. At first, Eligor was wary to learn of his half-brother, feeling a threat to his sovereignty. Yet he did not forget Sabirah's loving heart nor his old desire to please his father. As a last sign of respect for Acier and Sabirah, Eligor agreed to continue Hersium's care. Sabirah remained grateful but cautious of him and raised Hersium in the ways of Acier with compassion, conviction, and connection to the people.

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