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  • Writer's pictureK.C. Auburn

Cain and Abel

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Cain (Cane) and Abel (Able) are brothers both inspired by Romanian/Transylvanian culture. The term "Strigoi" translates to "ghost" or "vampire". These vampires fall more towards the traditional spooky vibes rather than the romantic (sorry Twilight!)

The brothers both share pale sickly feeling skin with undertones of blues and purples, almost like bruising (because, you know, they're dead). Abel holds bold green eyes and dark brown hair. His features are much more appealing and welcoming than Cain's plastered sneer. Cain has black hair and dark eyes, but as the Morhach, his eyes transform into a deep shade of blood red. (Symbolic of the innocent blood he has spilled to obtain his power). He has a small beard and mustache combo and a sharp nose. His hair is just above shoulder length and does not grow as he has been undead for many hundreds of years. His conversion happened when he was in his early thirties.

Both brothers hail from the Iarann Kingdom and in the past, there was a plague that wreaked havoc on the citizens, Abel being one of them. Cain did not want to lose his only brother to this disease and set out with the rumors of the one who could grant him immortality but at the price of his soul and blood. Cain believed that this ability could save his brother and many others in the village from the plague. He believed to be committing a selfless act that he could then give the option to the others to turn. Cain's journey was successful and his conversion yielded optimal results. He did not realize that he would soon be seduced by the power being a Strigoi could bring, strength, speed, healing, and the absence of death except by the sun or a holy weapon.

Cain returned to the village and told Abel he could save him. Abel originally held reservations as he did not want his soul to be lost, but Cain assured him that they would always be together as brothers. Abel was growing weaker by the day and did not wish to die so after a few harsh weeks of battling his illness, he conceded to Cain's desires. Abel was bitten and the conversion was painful but soon all of his agonies washed away and he breathed in new life. The pair of brothers were now invigorated and Cain wished to take this "cure" to the townsfolk. Yet neither fully understood the full effects of the venom.

Cain bit many sick persons in the belief that he was saving them but the venom within his fangs could be unpredictable. The people grew cold and aggressive, twisting into what research now tells us are the "hollows". These converted become husks of their former selves, taking on animalistic tendencies and forgetting all sense of who they once were. The beings would then mindlessly serve the darkest power around them. The beast would also ravage those nearby for the sake of the kill, many were slaughtered on what the village history calls "the day of darkness." The villagers became horrified and outraged, condemning and chasing the brothers from their lands. Cain grew bitter and resentful of his homeland's treatment after he took on so much for their benefit. It wasn't his fault that the people were too "weak" to convert into more powerful beings.

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