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The Lost Athenaeum

When a timorous thief has a vision of a dark entity swallowing her estranged brother, Caden, she must venture to find stability in her powers to save her only remaining family. Aylith is the Eruanna, protector of the realm, but her past leaves her haunted and unwilling to use her gifts. With her only tether to this world threatened, she will reluctantly follow the guidance of a mysterious woman, Lusha, to the lost Athenaeum in search of answers. Yet Lusha is not all that she claims to be. Her calm exterior shrouds the Order’s will that she intends to carry out, a secret society that puppets the lands. Lusha needs to gain Aylith’s trust in order to fulfill her duties. With Aylith’s growing strength, she may soon be able to cleave the world of the encroaching darkness.


Caden discovers his ties to his lost family and leaves home in secret. With the telling's of strange dreams, he journeys to the Athenaeum in search of his blood sister. He and his closest friend, Bradyn, find themselves endangered in the wilds and unprepared. With the help of a dark rogue, the boys will blossom in confidence and grow into the men they believe themselves to be.


The Crescent Mountains

In the time before Aylith, the world has been scarred by the Strigoi in the Red War. An elven prophecy tells of a great Elven Priestess meant to unite the races, the Pontem. Tsillah is destined to be the bridge but her Strigoi blood leaves others mistrustful of her dealings. Her heart is called to aid the Strigoi in finding security within the Crescent Mountains. Yet the she-elf's works are thrown into chaos at the rise of a treacherous scheme. Tsillah's fate becomes uncertain as the world seems to turn against her and she vanishes.

            Aylith and Lusha journey to the fabled sisters to translate the ancient texts recovered from the Athenaeum. The Eruanna emboldens with each passing day and Lusha marks her changes for the Order's research. The book could reveal much about Aylith's power and the Order's fears. Yet there is more that this tome will unearth from the caverns than any of them realize.

            Caden and company find that the Athenaeum is abandoned, having missed Aylith's passing. The boys look to Ahriman for guidance after confessing their true intentions for travel. The trio's bond strengthens, and they set out north following the hints of Caden's sister. Each day grows darker for Bradyn as a sickness creeps over him. Caden can feel the presence of the Morhach following him. They do not realize that their urgency is leading them down Cain's desired path. The veiled being remains close to them, watching for signs of his host.

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The Vale

Aylith's greatest fear has been realized. Her brother is disconnected from her sight. Tsillah presses her to return to the Crescent mountains to release the innocent Strigoi and in return she will help Aylith commune with her lost sister. Together the pair will train and Aylith with mold into a formidable foe that rival's Cain's malice. The climax of her quest deepens as Lusha realizes the Pontem has returned to their world. Lusha feels Aylith pulling away from her influence as she trains with the she-elf. The Order must keep the balance as Tsillah ruffles the realms once more. There have been too many failures with removing the Pontem. All measures will be put forth to snuff out her light. The ritual must take place to bring Aylith to her designed fate. Yet with this thickening betrayal, Lusha begins to waiver. Could all that she has been through with Aylith have changed her heart?


Cain's conquest is at its precipice. The Mad King's recruitment has become the front of the Morhach's army. Cain will use Eligor to instill fear and mistrust amongst the Kings. Hersium's shortcoming will surely bring the unification of lands to an abrupt halt. The Blood Moon provides Cain and his legions with enough strength to massacre his enemies. With this orbs rise; Cain will cement his hold over his victim, and nothing will be able to overturn his rule.

Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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Unofficial Book Cover

Countless Death 

Interpol’s covert consultant, Clara Woods, finds herself entangled in a chilling investigation as she unravels the disappearance of the local lord’s wife, rumored to have been resurrected as a “Strigoi” or vampire. With the lady of the house missing, the Codru fortune hangs in the balance along with the security of their rule and Clara’s reputation, should she fail to find the Baroness. All will be mortified soon by the discovery of Mioara’s corpse, two bite marks on her neck. The mysticism of the Romani people, black magic, and betrayal appear to be the steppingstones to finding the killer. But then, Mioara’s body vanishes, and the staff claim that her spirit walks the halls as Dracul’s wife. Clara grapples with events that border on the paranormal as two more murders intensify the investigation. Just before Interpol reinforcements arrive, Clara navigates the darkness that has been haunting the Sumbru Valley, bringing to light family secrets and the desires of a corrupted heart.


In Progress
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Bed, Breakfast, & Bewitched

Spellbound living in the Amberly House bed & breakfast is exposed when Autumn Amberly meets Destin Crow, a Boston Magazine photographer who comes to document the small town of Scarborough and discovers the innkeeper that he finds enchanting is a witch.


Manuscript still in progress.

Unofficial Book Cover
In Progress
Book no. 4
Book no. 5
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